
With EarthCARE, SPACEBEL Contributes to Solving the Mystery of Clouds

Scheduled for lift-off on a SpaceX Falcon 9 launcher from the Vandenberg Space port in California (USA) in May 2024, EarthCARE (Earth Clouds, Aerosols and Radiation Explorer) will analyse clouds and aerosols and their impact on Earth’s radiation balance in order to improve the accuracy of climate change predictions and weather forecasts.

Clouds highly influence the Earth’s atmosphere heating and cooling. Yet, they remain one of the least understood elements in our comprehension of the interaction between the atmosphere and the climate system. Hence the importance of the EarthCARE mission.

SPACEBEL has contributed to the development of the EarthCARE Mass Memory and Formatting Unit, i.e. a data storage device featuring a high capacity and fast access component of the satellite’s payload. With this on-board embedded participation, we clearly emphasize the ultimate goal of our mission critical software solutions: protect our planet and improve life on Earth through science and technology.

Kicked off in 2008 in close cooperation with JAXA, the Japanese Space Agency, the EarthCARE spacecraft is ESA’s largest Earth observation satellite to date weighing about 1,7 tons. Built by Airbus, prime contractor, it carries a comprehensive set of four advanced instruments which will take measurements simultaneously.

Needless to say, its development and extensive testing have proved quite complex over the years.
EarthCARE is currently undergoing its final round of tests before its departure to the launch site in May 2024.

More to follow soon...!

new illustration With EarthCARE, SPACEBEL Contributes to Solving the Mystery of Clouds